, Christ Stefan

Vortrag von Maura Dykstra: On Archives and Administration - The Information Trap and the Corruption Crises of the Eighteenth-century Qing Empire

Die HSG lädt alle Interessierten zu einem Vortrag von Dr. Maura Dykstra (Yale) ein...

Die HSG lädt alle Interessierten zu einem Vortrag von Dr. Maura Dykstra (Yale) ein. Der Titel lautet: 

On Archives and Administration: The Information Trap and the Corruption Crises of the Eighteenth-century Qing Empire

This talk will introduce several components of the basic argument in Dr. Maura Dykstra's Uncertainty in the Empire of Routine: The Administrative Revolution of the Eighteenth-century Qing State (2022). The author will provide an information-centered approach to understanding the late imperial bureaucracy to re-conceptualize the relationship between archive and administration. This introduction will be followed by a brief history of some of the highlights of the first hundred years of Qing central court attempts to supervise the sprawling territorial bureaucracy of the empire. With this background, the relationship between the corruption crises that shook the dynasty from the middle of the eighteenth century forward will be revisited from the information-centered view of the dynasty presented earlier in the talk. The proposed conclusion is that historians have been interpreting evidence of dynastic decline without paying attention to key factors.

Dienstag 30. Mai 2023, 18.00 Uhr

Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Flügel WEST, Raum 220